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Friday, September 10, 2010

McLuhan's Message

Today's top do-it-all gadget, without a doubt is the Blackberry Smartphone. It's uses range from world wide internet access, to cellular phone capability, to email and text messaging. The convenience of all the operations in a single mobile device is undeniable groundbreaking.  Blackberry also offers an exclusive method of messaging known as BBM which is exclusively available to blackberry owners. Similar to AOL's version of instant messaging that emerge years known AIM, BBM transcends instant messaging by allowing its users to chat in a text message format. According to McLuhan, "the medium is the message." In other words, the message is the multiple ways our society is influenced by the type of medium used; in his opinion the message in actuality, is the change in design, and scale of technology being the medium.   McLuhan says that the medium exceeds the importance of the content of the message because the medium has an impact on human interaction and behavior in society today.

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